Dear All,
Mohon Maaf yang sebesar-besarnya yah....yang sudah lama nunggu update dari Popo's Creation....baik update jadwal kursus or product baru dari Popo's Creation...bersama ini kamu sampaikan bahwa Popo's Creation untuk sementara OFF/ rehat dulu...sampai dengan waktu yang belum bisa ditentukan....

Terimakasih untuk perhatian dan loyalitas yang diberikan selama ini

Catch you Later YAAAAA.....

Kalau rehatnya udah kelar....jangan kuatir...akan kita update lagi yahh...


Saturday, 21 December 2013

Xmas Fun Cake

By Ipoet - Gata and Chika's mom at 06:00 0 comments

Friday, 20 December 2013

Hartop 3D Cake

By Ipoet - Gata and Chika's mom at 06:00 0 comments

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Minion Cake

By Ipoet - Gata and Chika's mom at 06:00 2 comments

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Reading Cake for Ayah

By Ipoet - Gata and Chika's mom at 06:00 0 comments

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

FCB Cake for Daffa

By Ipoet - Gata and Chika's mom at 06:00 0 comments

Monday, 16 December 2013

Engagement Cake Chinese Theme

By Ipoet - Gata and Chika's mom at 20:37 0 comments

Liverpool Cupcake

By Ipoet - Gata and Chika's mom at 20:36 0 comments


Monday, 9 December 2013

Navy Birthday Cake

By Ipoet - Gata and Chika's mom at 06:00 0 comments

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Pink Hello Kitty 3D Cake

By Ipoet - Gata and Chika's mom at 06:00 0 comments

Saturday, 7 December 2013

Niece and Uncle Having Fun

By Ipoet - Gata and Chika's mom at 06:00 0 comments

Friday, 6 December 2013

Baby Shower Cake for Twin Baby

By Ipoet - Gata and Chika's mom at 08:57 0 comments

Tuesday, 26 November 2013


By Ipoet - Gata and Chika's mom at 13:08 0 comments
Teman-teman di SURABAYA.....Jangan melewatkan Novelty Class di Popo's Creation di Bulan DESEMBER 2013  !
Yang ingin belajar bagaimana meng-carving cake sehingga membentuk cake 3D yang diinginkan, bagaimana membuat cake dengan struktur, dibuka kelas Popo's Creation untuk membuat kue XMAS TREE, kue dengan struktur dan 3 tiers, dan PIRATE CAKE (Cake dengan bentuk kapal) dengan basic standing figurine juga....Kelas akan diadakan pada :

PIRATE CAKE          tanggal 14 Desember 2013
   XMAS TREE CAKE    tanggal 15 Desember 2013

Yang berminat buruan daftar yah, kelas terbatas....
- Iput : 082122930622
- Inna : 081234001208

   Email :
   PM FB : Popo's Creation or Popo's Creation (page)

Langsung Inbox atau kirim email 

 Hands on Class, peserta akan mendapatkan sendiri pengalaman mendekor kue 

SUWUNNNNN sangeddd

Monday, 4 November 2013

Jadwal Bulan November untuk SURABAYA

By Ipoet - Gata and Chika's mom at 08:55 0 comments
Teman-teman di Surabaya.....Yang pengen belajar bagaimana menghias Cupcake dengan fondant, bikin figurine cewek dan bunga sebagai penghias cupcake biar cantikkk.....dibuka kelas untuk :

BASIC CUPCAKE tanggal 9 November 2013

Dan untuk kelas Lanjutan....(Intermediate) yang pengen belajar bagaimana membuat bunga2 yang dirangkai menjadi buket yang cantik diatas cake...dibuka kelas

BOUQUET CAKE tanggal 10 November 2013

Yang berminat buruan daftar yah....Langsung Inbox atau kirim email ke atau bisa juga langsung kontak (PM) mbak Inna Sha-q (SMS : 081234001208)

SUWUNNNNN sangeddd

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Navy Birthday Cake for NATE

By Ipoet - Gata and Chika's mom at 06:00 0 comments

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Cupcake for Eyang Uti

By Ipoet - Gata and Chika's mom at 06:00 0 comments

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Cake for Bos

By Ipoet - Gata and Chika's mom at 11:46 0 comments

Friday, 27 September 2013

Cake Bouquet for Engagement

By Ipoet - Gata and Chika's mom at 06:00 0 comments

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Barbie Pop Star Birthday Cake versi 3

By Ipoet - Gata and Chika's mom at 11:11 0 comments

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Chelsea Cake

By Ipoet - Gata and Chika's mom at 06:00 0 comments

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Simple Cupcake untuk Ayah

By Ipoet - Gata and Chika's mom at 11:39 0 comments

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Ultraman Cosmos Cake

By Ipoet - Gata and Chika's mom at 06:00 0 comments

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Despicable Cake for Zidane

By Ipoet - Gata and Chika's mom at 10:05 0 comments

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Tutorial How to Make simple Zipper from Fondant

By Ipoet - Gata and Chika's mom at 16:32 0 comments

My Simple way to make zipper from fondant....

alat yg diperlukan ???? gak usah ribet dan gak usah harus beli ....tinggal memanfaatkan sedotan di rumah....berbagai ukuran bisa dipakai disesuaikan dengan ukuran zipper yang diinginkan.

1. siapkan sedotan...ujung lancip yang akan kita gunakan
2. gilas fondant dengan panjang sesuai yang diinginkan
3. bentuk motif di fondant dengan menggunakan sedotan...dengan cara berjalan lurus tapi zig-zag....misal dari kiri, kanan agak lebih bawah....ganti kiri lagi agak dibawahnya...dst....
4. potong lurus selebar zipper...
5. jadi deh...

gampang khan......tidak mirip banged gpp..tapi bisa merepresentasikan zipper, bukan ? hahaha....

Maaf..cara sesat..karena tidak punya mould zipper..jadinya menggunakan alat alakadarnya yg dipunya....

Semoga bermanfaat.

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Thomas Tank Engine 3D Cake

By Ipoet - Gata and Chika's mom at 05:00 0 comments

Friday, 2 August 2013

Tripakarta Cake for Celebration

By Ipoet - Gata and Chika's mom at 05:00 0 comments

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Timmy and Friends Cake

By Ipoet - Gata and Chika's mom at 06:00 0 comments

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Tutorial How to make Angry Bird Letter

By Ipoet - Gata and Chika's mom at 15:34 0 comments
Tutorial How to make Angry Bird Letter on cake with fondant / gumpaste

Another Link :


This is the simple way how to get angry bird letter on your cake. This is my way but I hope it help.  How to make a bird-themed angry letters from fondant . just sharing . not a way that should be the benchmark this way I get the letters do the same with angry bird . could also be without pattern so directly on the cut it using precision knife that's what I did when it's no enough time hehehe so not need to printted the angry bird letters If there's any other way you can use it . definitely many ways like the proverbial many roads lead to Rome hehehhe  

List of Materials

  • precision knife (art knife)
  • paper
  • angry bird font
  • fondant
  • scissors
  • knife
1. Install the angry bird font (you can free downloaded using google search engine you can find angry bird font)
2. Print the letter with the size you need 
3. Cut the letter using a pattern
4. rolled fondant with the 3 mm thin or with the thickness of which it is desired. it's OK if you can't cut it with details...
5. Put cut outs angry bird letters over rolled fondant.. and cut it by using precision knife according to the pattern. 


Bagaimana bikin huruf bertema angry bird dari fondant.... sekedar sharing....bukan suatu cara yang harus jadi patokan...ini cuman cara ku mendapatkan huruf yang sama dengan angry bird....

bisa juga tanpa pattern...jadi langsung ajah gurat2 pake precision knife....dan tinggal kasih motif...itu yang kulakukan kalau sudah mepet waktunya hehehe..jadi gak usah pake print huruf dengan font angry bird segala...

Kalau ada cara lain monggo yah....pasti banyak cara deh..seperti pepatah banyak jalan menuju ke Roma...ciiieee hehehhe...

1. install font dengan tema angry bird (bisa didapetkan dari hasil brosing di mbah download...)..
2. cetak huruf dengan nama yang Ultah...atau nama sesuai keinginan dengan besar sesuai keinginan juga
3. gunting per huruf...guntingnya tidak perlu detail....nanti kita detailnya kemudian setelah semua tercetak di fondant
4. bila gak pengen gunting per huruf juga okeh..jadi langsung di blat diatas fondant....jejaknya baru kita cuting dengan pisau atau precision knife
5. setelag itu baru kita buat detailnya
6. jadi deh.....

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Radio Cake

By Ipoet - Gata and Chika's mom at 06:00 4 comments

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Shipping Cupcake

By Ipoet - Gata and Chika's mom at 15:07 0 comments

Friday, 12 July 2013

High Heels Cake for Princess Mchelle

By Ipoet - Gata and Chika's mom at 06:00 0 comments

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Inter Millan Cupcake

By Ipoet - Gata and Chika's mom at 06:00 0 comments

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Doctor Mama Cupcake

By Ipoet - Gata and Chika's mom at 22:57 0 comments

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Spider Man&Girl Cake Set

By Ipoet - Gata and Chika's mom at 06:00 0 comments

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Sweet Favorite LivingRoom Cake

By Ipoet - Gata and Chika's mom at 06:00 0 comments

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